Sunday, February 6, 2011

What is Biblical Worship? Part 4


When we get down to the core of worship, we find the command for us to worship in the Spirit and in truth. Those who worship in the Spirit and in truth are called “true worshipers” and are “the kind of worshipers the Father seeks” (John 4:22-24). If we are not worshiping in the Spirit and in truth, then we are not worshiping; we “must worship in the Spirit and in truth”. No other way is acceptable to God. Despite this command, much of the church in the western world is moving away from true worship and trying to worship through worldly means, which is not worship at all. Although this may not be intended, this is what is happening. Also, why would the Spirit mention that “God is Spirit” unless it was significant? God is not subject to the physical or time limitations of this reality. This means that we can worship Him wherever, and whenever. Worship is not contingent on the fanciness of the church building, what instruments are used, or even on the technological advances of humanity. These things only work to impress those who visit or attend the church. This is not to say that the church building should be sloppy, but simply that worshiping is not contingent upon this. The only thing He is really concerned with is that we worship Him in the Spirit and in truth.

What is worshiping in the Spirit? Worshiping the Lord in Spirit means that the worship must come from our hearts. It is an intentional and cognitively aware process in our minds that is authentically directed towards God. Worshiping in the Spirit is devoid of distractions; be it insecurity, worries or obligations in life; anything that will detract us from focusing on God. Nothing (including customs or traditions) can take the place of this worship and be worship. They can be used if it complements worship in any way to the degree of cognitive processes in Christians. In other words, customs and traditions are valuable only as it as it points our hearts and minds towards God. Our thoughts must be on God, and not on distractions. 1 Chronicles 28:9 says, “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever”. God searches all hearts (motives) and knows what is behind our every thought and action. The physical manifestations of worship have no value to God if they do not come from the heart. Worshiping in the Spirit is central to worship as it is done in truth.

What is worshiping in truth? When we worship in truth we are worshiping in accordance to Scripture. If we do not do this, our worship will not be acceptable to God. If a person is merely sincere in their worship, but does not follow the truth of Scripture, it is worthless to God. When we worship in truth, we live and obey in accordance to the Scriptures. Our worship should never be limited to certain timeframes. Our worship is meant to be a lifestyle that brings God glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). This means that Christians need to live the whole week in worship to God rather than understanding just the singing at church (or at a chapel or listening to Hillsong for that matter) as worship. Worshiping must be done in the Spirit and in truth.

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