Sunday, February 6, 2011

What is Biblical Worship? Part 6


The worship leader’s responsibility is to point the people towards worshiping in the Spirit and in truth. This means that the worship leader must not take any of the glory for themselves, but instead must always redirect it towards God. Thus the worship leader(s) must be careful not to detract or distract the people from worshiping God. Worship ministry is about relationships. The songs that the leaders choose must be communal, build up the church and bring them closer to God rather than making their perceived needs or worldly desires the forefront (self). There is a time and a place for that. The leaders must have a nourishing relationship with God where He is at the forefront of their lives. They must not be prideful, arrogant, boastful, but instead humble, surrendered to God, and give God the glory at all times.

The role of the Godhead is simple. We worship and commune with God (Rev. 4.9-11). This is made possible because Jesus died for our sins and enabled us to approach God (Isa. 53.3-5). The Holy Spirit guides us to all truth, steers us towards God and allows us to worship in the Spirit (Jn. 16.7-11). The Holy Spirit is our direct connection to God.

In conclusion, we can see that true worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. We can see that worship is surrendering ourselves to God and serving him in our everyday life. In worship, Christians give the glory to God, and in the process, build up each other in Christ. It is not merely a matter of our own taste or preference. We can see that worship in the Spirit cannot be done without worship in truth and vice-versa. Finally, we must remember that true worship is to God and for God. God is at the forefront.

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